we'll be together again
Written by Jimmy Abegg

We've sat by the waters of raging white rivers
And climbed through the valleys to tree covered summits
We've stood in the rain from the Northern Pacific
And breathed icy air on the west Irish coastlands
We've tasted the fruit from orchards in summer
And bathed in the waters near Mexican shorelines
All that we've done was just one tiny moment
But we'll be together again

Singing a song of the Midwestern prairie
Telling the tale of a tiny child's prayer
The words are like water to my thirsty heart
Giving me hope when I've run out on my faith
We've been the beggars who ride wishes horses
Living like dreamers I won't deny
All of our dreaming was only a moment
But we'll be together again

You're standing beside me, laughing out loud
I'm standing beside you, a laugh and a prayer

You're standing beside me, arms stretching wide
Singing your freedom, we'll be together again

All of life's treasures and all of life's trials
Are all in the moments of living each day
Tomorrow is coming
Life's just a breath
And we'll be together again.

(c)1999 Twin Angels Music/ASCAP

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